Turtle's Progress

Sunday, April 02, 2006

What to Name the Blog

So, my youngest daughter, who has discovered and immensely enjoyed the blogging experience for the past few months, says, “Mom, you should start a blog…it’s fun…you have lots to say…share what you’re reading, doing, journaling, planning…” I fought the idea for awhile, not really knowing what I would say and who would care …but here I am.

The title came to me a few years ago. I have collected turtles for over 30 years, inspired by a quote I first read back then, “Behold the turtle who only makes progress when she sticks out her neck.” Being a basically shy person, I tried to adopt that as my life’s motto. I haven’t always succeeded, but I have tried. Fast forward about 25 years…. I’m reading Spiritual Literacy, Reading the Sacred in Everyday Life by Frederic and Mary Ann Brussat. In the section on finding the spirituality in “Places”, naming your home is suggested. I thought about it for a long time but never came up with a clear idea. A year or so later my husband, Tom, and I are walking along the beachfront of Mobile Bay in Point Clear, Alabama where all of the homes seem to have names. Again, I start thinking of a name and it finally comes to me. “Turtle’s Progress” is what I will name my next home, but in the meantime, it seems to be a fitting name for this blog.


At 7:28 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think you should name your current house "Snapshot" because of all the wonderful and not so wonderful memories that we (or atleast I) remember that way.
From the deck sanctuary, to family pool parties, to Rice-a-Roni showdowns ;) I am glad you are starting a blog, now you have to get some pictures on there.
I love you

At 2:11 PM, Blogger erin said...

Love the blog, wise old turtle. Okay, delete the "old" part. I'm so excited!! As soon as Lent is over, I expect daily posts. I'm adding your blog to my links list. Love you!

At 7:47 PM, Blogger Lori Grimes said...

I like the name Meghan came up with. I have some wonderful and not so wonderful memories also.
From watching you try and stand on your head to eight-o-clock whining hour.
Love Ya

At 2:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

One of my most memorable times..Terry had envited me over to share a cup of coffee and we always chatted about all sots of things. I did have a few moments to spare so, I decided to stop in the consignment shop in Fort Ord...it was on the way to Terry's and my car was like a magnet when going by.

I was thrilled to find some 50's red-kitchen ware and wanted to share that with her. Just could'nt wait! Out they came from the bag. Terry just laughed and laughed, as she had consigned those items from her very own kitchen, just a few days earlier. Her response between laughs was," If I knew you wanted these, I would have given them to you"! Still to this day, that will come to my mind and remember that afternoon sharing more then I ever thought.
That's what best friends are for!!!

I love you, my friend!

At 8:07 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi, Terry!
Thanks for recommending Gilead to the Book Club - I enjoyed its perspective and value of everyday events.
Erin's convincing me to start a blog someday soon, too. She pushes blogging, I push integrated digital video recording devices like TiVo - a must have!
Anyway, just saying "Hi" and "Congrats" on your new mode of expression :)
Liz N.


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